Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Please to meet you, wont you guess my name.....

This was given to my by a very good freind of mine, Ryan. I believe I received it when I was 17, it was a going away present. I am not sure of its origin, or really of where it came from before being mine, maybe Ryan can fill us in on where he got it from. I am hoping this can stay with me forever and one day get handed down to Damian. He was scared of it at first, but I explained that it keeps monsters away and protects you while you sleep. Ever since then he hasnt had an issue, in fact he insists it faces the bed.

Here is a link to more pictures

Friday, March 27, 2009

Hekla Vs. Marlette

We have all had our fair share of oddness in this town; odd dreams, many a ghost story, and strange lights in the sky. Not to mention the strange behavior of some of the residents. This has happened to me more times than I can count, and later we can go into further detail about that. What I am referring to is the “shadow” people phenomenon. Now like I said, I have had experiences with these little, slinky things for quite a long time (they always reminded me of the ghosts in the cartoon jeepers creepers, but black and not quite as humorous). The most recent account was about a month ago. I was outside on the deck at about one in the morning and something caught my eye. There were two of them, about 50 yards away, coming towards me. I got a little nervous, but then they took off towards the apartments down the road. Now, the reason I am posting this is my theory behind these little nuisances. Now granted, people have had many a theory about these little things, for instance, your imagination running wild, ghosts, shadows of ghosts, demons or other spiritual type entities, aliens, time travelers, out of body experiences, and/or the different dimension thing. Well, I’m not sure where they come from, but from my experiences with them, I have a theory about why we see them. Now, every person emits some sort of energy field. And at any given time that field can change from a positively charged field, to a negatively charged field and vice versa. For some, this can be your aura, maybe chi, and polarity is another example, but either way I don’t think this is a stretch. I also think, even with all this “positive thinking gives positive results” self help stuff that has flooded the media, it is still much easier to have a negative energy field about you than that of positive. You have to work to be positive all of the time, and don’t have to work that hard to have a negative energy. Well anyway, I digress. My point is, I don’t think shadow people are evil, or good. I believe they feed off of the energy of us. To survive they, need a little bit of our energy to go on, and since there seems to be more negative energy in this place we call earth, it is just easier for them to go that route. Now, back to the story in the beginning. Three days after I saw the two slink off to the apartments, I found out that there was a mother of three that was taking pictures and videotaping herself doing things with her kids. Maybe a coincidence, but like I said before, I have had similar experiences with our friendly “shadow” people before. I am starting to ramble now, it might be because it is late and I talk too much, but I just wanted to know anybody else’s input on this subject. Has anybody had similar experiences or different theories on the subject. Just wanted to know. Maybe marl is a portal to hell.

More Dreams

Harleygirl (otherwise known as MOM) posted this as a comment to my post and I thought it should be a post of its own. I know this was significant to her so I thought we could talk about any other similar experiences. I had one in the same room that she did, I'll add that to the post later or as a comment.

I had one dream that I can not forget.It happened maybe 15 years ago at least. I know I told M about it.I was living in the Marlette house,I was sleeping in my bedroom and then I swear I woke up and there was a very loud roaring noise , I am not sure but it seemed to be outside my bedroom window and it was very bright outside. I couldn't move any part of my body I was laying on my back. I believe my hands were on my chest. It felt like someone was holding me down. It was so bright outside it was like a big spotlight shinning in the window. It seemed to last forever but may have only been a few minutes. I was so terrified. I couldn't speak or move. When it ended it was as abruptly as it started. I still was afraid to move and slowly moved my hands and then lay on my back for quite awhile before moving anymore. My mind was telling me to get out of the room but I was to afraid to leave the room. Finally I opened my door and peaked out the door. I couldn't make myself leave and check the rest of the house. What had happened to me was done in that room and as much as that terrified me I couldn't make myself go out either. This happened about 3 in the morning and there was no more sleeping that night. I just lay awake. To this day I can remember exactly how it felt the loud noise and bright lights and how scared I was.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Damnit, M took the Otis Redding title I wanted

Speaking of dreams, here are a couple of common ones that I have had.

One was when I was just a little itty bitty kid, around the time of my parents divorce. I would always have these dreams where things where closing in around me, not like the walls were tightening, but blackness was devouring it.

The other is where my teeth would fall out. At first I thought it was because of all the dental work I was getting done, but then I heard it has to do with you thinking your losing control of things. I think the later sounds better.

I would have some fucked up dreams in marlette, but the older I got the more I dont think they were dreams. those will be for a later day

This old house......

I dont have a lot of "scary" dreams, but when I do they usual focus on the paranormal and I usualy never see anything. 90% of my dreams take place in either the house in marlette or my grandma's old house in imlay city. The rest take place in either the house in Pennylvania that melissa and i lived in or an uknown place. Last night I had my first paranormal dream and it took place in the basement of our old house in North Branch. To me the house in NB is what I think of when i try to get that deep down "family" feeling, something I have never really been able to get since. I know things werent the best there, but it still has that feeling. NB is also were I met my shadow friend, that looked through the crack in my parents door every night after I ran into their room and slipped between them in bed. He was with me untill I was about 21, but over the years began to have more of an erie presence, then a peaceful one.

I Got Dreams to Remember......Unfortunately

I had an experience a few weeks ago that I ALMOST put on my other blog, but I thought it would be more appropriate here. I think (and hope) you'll agree, and I'm looking for some feedback....maybe a lively discussion...or even posts if you've had something similar happen. Grab your fuzzy bathrobe, getcha funky turban on, and make an alcoholic bevvie. Or two.

First off, have you ever woke in your dream....still in a dream? As in, you wake up, you think you're up and then bam! turns out you're still dreaming and then you wake up for real.

I've had this happen several times in my life. In just about all of them, it went down kind of like this.....I'm dreaming about whatever, and then I wake up and I think I'm going about my business..usually just doing something mundane, something I've done a hundred times before....but I find whatever I'm trying to do, I just can't quite -seem to do it right, or I can barely remember how to do it. Like operate a cash register, or use my computer. I keep trying and trying and getting REALLY frustrated but it just won't work. And many times (why I have NO idea) there's a friggin bright light coming from somewhere that's in my eyes, and I'm having a really hard time trying to see or even keep my eyes open. My frustration builds and builds, and then I wake up. For Real. Usually thankful it was fake and relieved it's over.

Well, this time I woke up- and figured out I was dreaming- and went through this cycle. The first part, the actual real dream, a relative of mine had passed and I decided instead of the funeral, I would plant flowers outside this person's house in my own way of honoring them. A lot of my fellow nursing students were there helping, and also one of my instructors. It was a very peaceful (although sad) dream. Then as we were finishing, I realized we weren't outside the deceased person's house, but my grandmother's house. She came outside and looked around and found a pinecone in her yard. She was all, I just threw this thing out of my yard! And picked it up and threw it in her neighbor's yard. And then her neighbor came out of his house and guess what, yeah celebrity guest star, Kevin Spacey. And he's all, I just threw this in your yard! And then laughs. And then the insanity started.

I 'woke' in my bed, thinking about the dream, and realized that Kevin Spacey was in my room, and apparently someone else was too, because I was like,what is Kevin Spacey doing here? Then my bedroom filled up with relatives and friends, and this other young pregnant woman was there too. And I kind of had this feeling,like I know this woman from somewhere. So I went up to her and asked who she was, and she said, I'm your cousin. I felt like a dumbass but I said, I'm sorry, I don't remember your name, and she said it was Gabrielle- but I still didn't know her. But I had a weird 'Lost' moment (they were going back and forth in time on the show the week I had this dream) that she was related to me, but somehow she was from my past or my future. Then suddenly the room gets really crowded, and I'm standing so close to her I'm touching her. My hand touches her belly and I say, do you want to know the name of your baby? His name is Jacob. (more proof Lost had infiltrated my brain) but once I said that, this 'thing' in her stomach starts to move in a way that was not natural and I swear I heard it GROWLING. I'm all, holy mutha, and then BAM! I wake up.

I 'wake' up to hear all these weird sounds coming from my living room, and I yell to see if it's Papa Cash....hoping it is...when my friend C_ busts in the room and says, don't worry, it's just J (another friend of ours from school), she just got off work and she's taking a shower. (like this made perfect sense). I'm all, whew, you won't BELIEVE the night i'm having, C. All these freaking dreams....and I start telling her and BAM!

Yes I wake up Again. And Again. And AGAIN.

In one of these other 'wake-ups', I ask my friend C (who was in four of the six false wake ups) if I'm finally back in 'real life'. To which she says Yes, like why are you asking. I said 'Are you SURE this is real life?" To which she says Um Yeah I'm Sure! so I say omg thank GOD......all relieved.....then of course that's short lived.

So I had the false relief of waking up SIX times before this was over. Needless to say say I was freakin exhaused. Not to mention entirely creeped out. And what's really weird is when this all ended, it was almost 630 am. And I also seemed to recall seeing the clock in one or more of my false wake ups, and according to the time I saw then, all this took place in less than TEN MINUTES. So did I 'wake' up enough to be aware of the time? I'm not sure.

Anyone else ever have a 'false' wake up that really weirded them out? Ever have more than one? Ever have this many?

Eagerly awaiting your response(s),
Mother Firefly

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Ghosthunters - Season Five episode 2

And we’re off to Star Island! It was settled in the 1600’s and used to be a port – now it’s a resort that closes down in winter. Another historical place- but this time we have lots of first hand experiences along with the anecdotal stuff. It’s huge- they’re going to check out two smaller buildings and the employee sleeping quarters.

The girls go to check out the cottage where a little boy lived who died from falling on the rocks outside, and supposedly people are getting pushed down the stairs by ‘little hands’. Oooh. They check the stairs with a level, and find out they’re all crazy built. Turns out people are probably just getting vertigo. Oh well. Then they hear something and decide to check the recorder- but whoops, the battery went dead. And it was new. And then the camera goes out. Interesting.

J and G investigate several places, hear some noises they can’t explain, and debunk the rattling of pots and pans in one of the cabins. They try to antagonize the spirit of a man who has been seen in the cabin, with no luck. J even says ‘Hawes Out’ when they decide to give up on that particular place. Haha. The evidence finds one really creepy EVP, a door closing, and footsteps caught on tape. A pretty good investigation, fun to watch.

Now it’s off to a castle…..Kimball Castle in New Hampshire to be exact. Apparitions, sounds are reported by the owners….even disembodied sounds of horses in the stable. Ghosts of horses…now that’s a new one. Thank god they weren’t pig noises. Shiver. (Amityville Horror was one of the first things that really scared the sheebeebus out of me as a little kid, and if I heard disembodied pig sounds, I’d run home screaming to my mama. Anyway..)

Jay and Grant find a small image on the thermal, which Dave thinks later is a rodent. They debunk a door that opens and closes, and…that’s about it. The spirits, if they are in the castle, don’t want to come out and play tonight. Fist bump! And we’re done.

Battery Drain: One
EVPs: One
Evidence caught on film: One
- debunked as 'rodent'
Times Jay says 'Hawes Out'- One
Times Jay was looking like a Sexy MF- Lost Track
Plumbing done: NONE! WTF?

Ghosthunters - Season Five episode 1

Well, the beginning of the fifth season of Ghosthunters is upon us, and I have forgotten TWO weeks in a row to watch it. AND SciFi doesn’t repeat the episodes on any other night. What’s up with that, SciFi? Take a hint from Vh1- if I happen to miss an ep of Rock of Love Bus, I only have about fifty chances to catch it later in the week. Oh well, fret no more, thank the Gods for Hulu.com, they post the last five episodes of us to watch. Whee!


So since trying to watch ‘I’m Not There’ last night ended up with me falling asleep early last night, I’m up at 7 am on a Sunday checking out the first ep. We start out at the Hannum House, a home in Pennsylvania that was built in the 1600’s. They find a couple of creepy EVPs are found, and I find out that this show STILL creeps me out even on a bright sunny morning. We end with a J and G fist bump and it’s on to the Betsy Ross house.

Right away Steve is saying that Tango already asked him who Betsy Ross was. Tango is all, Did Not! Haha. I love Tango. I’m not hopeful about this investigation, none of the stories about paranormal activity are especially exciting, and most of them are second hand. Even the room called the ‘spookiest’ only has a story that someone passed away there and second hand anecdotes. Ooookay. I’m thinking we’re just here because it’s a historical place.

Fear Cage in the basement! You can watch the show for more explanation of a Fear Cage, but it’s a place of high electromagnetic fields caused by wires, etc….basically not paranormal, but the EM fields can cause feelings of paranoia and even hallucinations. They hear a couple of unexplained voices or moans while investigating, which they catch on tape.

And we’re done! Not a great first ep but great to see the fellas back in action again………..we end with a J and G fist bump and it’s on to the second episode! Thanks, fellas. Love ya!

EVPs: Two

Evidence caught on film: Zero

Voices heard: Two

Plumbing done: Zero (WTF, Sci-Fi????)

Fear Cage! One

Scenes with Tango doing an impersonation of a buzzing sound: One


And Welcome to Old Spooky House......a blog that my brother, J, (and hopefully some others) will be helping out with. It stems from our love of the paranormal and also some common experiences we had living in a house owned by our mother. We both lived there at different times and experienced several things- some similar, some not.

So we'll leave the movie reviews and our other rantings and ravings to our individual blogs and talk about things like Ghosthunters, UFO's, personal experiences... basically anything paranormal.

To start out with, I'm going to post my reviews of the first two episodes of Ghosthunters (I have talked about my love of this show on my other blog, Mother Firefly's Faster Pussycats, and we had a lively debate about this show on my brother's blog, Project Blue, last year. It's one of my favorite shows of all time and I respect how they investigate and don't let their emotions/fears get the best of them.
Enjoy....and hopefully we'll have more stories and personal experiences posted soon.
Mother F.